2016 Town Champions from left to right - William W. Galvin III, Susan Marks, Judy Bentley, Ross Burkhardt, David Levinson, Ph.D.
Alex and Christine Mankowski
Andrea Kostanecki, Wendy Champeix, and Deirdre Ryan
Alice Raim and Dan Wartenberg
Carolyn and Rodney Thomas
Christina and George Childs
Dave and Judy Bentley, and Gregg Strom
David Genovese and Camilla Herrera
David Levinson, Ph.D. and Ken DellaRocco
Denise Vestuti presenting Susan Marks with her gift
Dennis being presented with his gift
Diana and Peter Samponaro
Dr. Ralph Aquila and Dr. Rocco Francis Marotto
Dr. Ralph Aquila and Mrs. Rossella Aquila
Ennala and Chitra Ramcharandas
Frank Cogliano and Megan Pavia
Gene Autore, Anne Thaxter, and Ken DellaRocco
Gene Autore, Michael Autore, Linda Autore, Lauren McCann, and Jeffrey Autore
Giving Tree Nautical Style
Gregg Pauletti and William Galvin Town Champion
Gregg Pauletti, Kelly and Charles Linhoss
Guests enjoying the dance floor
John and Patty Wooten
Jay Boll and David Levinson Town Champion
John Wooten and Ross Burkhardt
Judy Bentley Town Champion
Linda Autore and Sigurd H. Ackerman, M.D. 2016 Champion for Recovery
Mary Ellen and several other guests
Lisa Ruggiero, Lyn Traverse, Heather Porter, Heidi Leatherman, and Lisa Benton
Mary Kate SanFilippo, Dom, and Dawn Bria
Rich Juliana and Colin Samuelson
Ross Burkhardt, Town Champion
Sigurd H. Ackerman, M.D. and Cece McCarton, M.D.
Stella and Willard Miley and Sue Rigano
Exterior of the Stamford Yacht Club
Sue Ann Williamson
Susan, Darien Town Champion, and Kevin Marks
Susan Marks
Tim and Kelly Galvin and Ellen and William Galvin
Table and room set up
Tina and Jay Boll
William W. Galvin III