Adrianne Singer, Harvi Bloom, and Linda Greenberg
Clay Kirk and David Kirk
Jeff Autore, Lauren (Autore) McCann, and Michael Autore
Gabe Hernandez and Janice Segure
Mark Broach and Dr. Kate Kiguradze
Karen Neilinger and Adrianne Singer
Chris Micka and Karen Kelly
Karen Nellinger and Joan Carra
Guests enjoying the dance floor
A crowded dance floor as pople enjoy the music
David Singer and Nancy Stillerman
Gabe Hernandez and Andrea Weinzimer
Guests dancing with the music with their arms up
Sheilah Smith
Steven and Janice Segure
Lexy Tanner
Margriet McGowan
Guesting laughing in enjoyment
Stephanie Raia and Peter Appleby
Anne Thaxter and Margriet McGowan
Michael Autore and Dr. Andrew Gerber
Guests converging on the dance floor
Lyn Traverse and Charlie Copeland
Tina and Jay Boll
Dr. Michael Groat and Lisa Benton
Peter and Margriet McGowan
Guests holding hands while dancing
Dr. Andrea Gerber and Dr. Marcia Gerber
Guests clapping and dancing along to the music
A crowded dance floor
Jay Boll and Julie Andersen
Mark and Monica Bourgie
Adrianne Singer
Susan Nova
Cathy and Roger Seasonwein
Pamela Lewanda
Guests huddled around a dinner table chatting
Jane Condon speaking to the audience
Dr. Kate Kiguradze and Mark Broach
Linda Autore and Dr. Andrew Gerber
Jane Condon speaking at the podium
Michael Parker
Dr. Marcia Gerber
Dr. Michael Groat
Dr. Andrew Gerber speaking at the podium
Dr. Andrew Gerber delivering a speech
Dr. Andrew Gerber admiring a painting
Suzanne Storer
Tina Boll
Cathy Seasonwein and Patti Markfield
Michael Marsico and Adrianne Singer
Carol Krinsky
Adrianne and David Singer
Cheryl Palmer, John Wooten, and Rey Giallongo
Cheryl Palmer and Cindy Sandoval
Warren Costikyan and Tina Boll
Julie Andersen
Dennis O'Connor, Marge and Paul Reinhardt
Cheryl Palmer and Rey Giallongo
Guests applauding while huddled around dinner
Sherrie Price alongside friends
Marge and Paul Reinhardt
Guests applauding during the presentation
Emcee Jane Condon speaking at the podium
Guests enjoying dinner
Lolly Prince and Lexy Tanner
Judge Orazio Bellantoni, David Singer, Mary Bellantoni, Mark Bourgie, Adrianne Singer, and Michelle Singer
Julie Andersen and Sheilah Smith
Betsy Varian and Pat Swasey
Georgia Nagel-Groat and Dr. Andrea Gerber
Ginny and Michael Parker
Lauren and Brian McCann
David Kirk and Christine Biddle
Laurel House, Inc. Board of Directors
Suzan and Marty Rose
Ajit Laroia, Michele Matice, and Jane Kiefer
Marek and Pamela Lewanda
John Traynor, Linda Mandel, and Arnold Lewis
Paul Marantz and Julia Gray
Donna and Steven Angeletti
Dr. Andrew Gerber and Ted Herman
Susan and Jane Condon
Georgia Nagel-Groat and Eileen Raleigh
John and Laura Kavounas
IMG_2135 Nick Cataldo, Terry Lamantia-Cataldo, Flavia, and Peter Lasalandra
Mary Granata, Denise Doria, and Karen Kelly
Ulziimaa Ganzorig, Laura Reinhardt, and Bryan Hadick
Wayne and Dorothy Cafran alongside Anne Marie and Frank Taylor
IMG_2127 Karen Neilinger, Cathy and Roger Seasonwein, Tibor Darany and Brita Darany von Regensburg
Janice and Steven Segure
Monica Townley and Janice Segure
Kim O'Rielly and Betsy Varian
John Raleigh and Denise Vestuti
Joseph and Denise Mortati
Chuck and Christina Downey, Susan Dixon, Tamu Lewis, and Al Pavlis
Sherrie and Mike Price
Ted Herman and Penni Markfield
IMG_2107 Brett Dixon, Richard and Jenning Kohlberger alongside Deirdre Daly
Garrett Kirk and Jay Boll
Ricki Fisher and William Cavanaugh
Susan McKay and Susan Nova
Liz Menten, Kathy Gilbert, and Stephanie Raia
Monica Bourgie and Jane Condon
Adrianne Singer and Lexy Tanner
Chitra Ramcharandas, Tibor Darany, and Brita Darany von Regensburg
Sheilah Smith and Cathy Seasonwein
Chris and Lisa Stout alongside Martha Rhein
Karen Neilinger, Pamela and Marek Lewanda
Nick Despoelberch and Melise Reardon
Nancy Stillerman and Adrianne Singer
Bob Rukeyser, Adrianne Singer, Leah Rukeyser, and David Singer
Evan and Michelle Singer, Jennifer and Brandon Stranzl
David Singer, Flavia Lasalandra, Adrianne Singer, and Peter Lasalandra
Michelle and Evan Singer, Jennifer and Brandon Stranzl
Evan and Michelle Singer, David and Adrianne Singer, Jennifer and Brandon Stranzl
Adrianne Singer, Pamela Lewanda, and Karen Neilinger
Setup of the dinner table and silverware before guests arrive
Susan and Michael McKay
Bouquet of flowers on a dinenr table
Janet and Leo Karl
Harvi Bloom and Linda Greenberg
Anne Thaxter and Ken DellaRocco
Jay and Tina Boll
Ajit Laroia, Michele Matice
Linda Greenberg and Harvi Bloom
Peter Appleby and Stephanie Raia
Deirdre Ryan and Warren Costikyan
Carol Krinsky, Pamela and Marek Lewanda, and Adrianne Singer
Sheilah Smith and Susan Condon
Frank Taylor, Anne Marie Taylor, and Susan Marks
Dr. Andrea and Dr. Andrew Gerber
Dr. Marcia Gerber and Lyn Traverse
Rey Giallongo and Cheryl Palmer
Paul Reinhardt, Nancy Herling, Rey Giallongo, Cheryl Palmer, Linda Autore, Adrianne Singer, and Dr. Andrew Gerber
Paul Reinhardt and Susan Marks
Pamela Lewanda and Adrianne Singer
Richard and Jean Bergstresser
Sheilah Smith and Adrianne Singer
Mike and Nancy Herling
Monica Bourgie and Adrianne Singer
Mark and Monica Bourgie alongside Adrianne Singer
Carol Krinsky and Adrianne Singer
David and Adrianne Singer
Adrianne Singer, Linda Autore
Rey Giallongo, Cheryl Palmer, Marie and Carol Sylvester, and Linda Autore
Marie and Carol Sylvester
Nancy and Michael Herling
Co-Chairs Julie Andersen and Sheliah Smith
Ken DellaRocco and Anne Thaxter
Scholarship applications for the 2025/26 school year will open on March 15th, 2025.